Let's see, what's new or even what's up. Not much. I seemed to have gotten Barry's cold and now his sore throat. Lucky ME. Now can I die too? It seems to be working for him, so why not? I have to get the trash out and work on some cards today, but I think I'm going to take an easy day. I always start out saying that and then I think of all the cards that need to be made so we can have some cash in the house and then I wonder over to the desk and see what I can do. I did apply for several jobs yesterday that looked like it was something I could do. It's a shame I don't have a lot of skills. Of course I don't know what skills employers are even looking for now. Cheap wages comes to mind! Oh well, another day, another card!
Did you see the bad weather up North? My friend Pat in WY was suppose to have snow last night. IT's way too early for that! I could do with some cooler weather, but snow---no way!
Stay safe and take care!
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