Barry went to the doctors yesterday and they ended up taking him off most of the med's he's on for now. They added something different instead. They think the back pain near his kidneys has been due to the new medicine he was taking. He'll go back in a month for more tests. So for right now, he's ok. Then he went to the Texas Workforce (unemployment) and spoke with the VA guy there. He was able to help him so he can rewrite his resume and pointed him in some directions he might look for jobs. They have nothing right now. There are so many Vet's looking and many are younger then Barry. It will work out. I know it will. I tell myself this every day. Just some days are harder then other. Today was one of "those" days. It's hard to be up with you don't have jobs and have a ten spot to your name! I've been selling cards, but that money goes to us eating, let along gas. That is another story for another day! I pray every night that I will wake up from this long nightmare in a nice tropical place!
Love to all who enter!
You did her up so darling, Paula! The lace and flower really add to the country feel of the image, and I love the wonderful fall colors you used. Unfortunately, fall tends to be our HOT season out here in Northern California -- right now we have 75-85 days mostly, but look out when September hits! I'm praying that the new meds work well for Barry, and that a solution will present itself regarding income. Hugs, Deedee