Not much new in the Zoo. Barry is still looking for work. He applied to a great sounding job today. The man got right back to him and said that the company won't even consider anyone who's been out of work more then six months! He's a recruiter, so he has nothing to do with setting the policy and doesn't think it's right, but there's nothing he can do. He'll be on the look out for anything else that comes up. I think he feels bad. Good, maybe that will help. Barry has a doctors appointment tomorrow. He's been having some pain in his back near his kidney's this week and they told him to come in. Thank goodness it's VA. After that he's going to see the VA guy at unemployment for some help with his resume. I think he needs to rewrite the part about school and his part time jobs. Again, I hope anything will be the answer to this continuing problem.
That's it for me tonight. I'm off to make some hamburgers for dinner. Come back this weekend. On Sunday is the new month and Deedee's Digis has some fun new sets to roll out. You won't want to miss the sweet Mouse in the House for Christmas!
These cards are just too cute and darn clever. Hope you sell a bunch
ReplyDeleteSuper cute card, Paula!! Very creative!! Congrats on the fast sale and hoping the rest will too!!
ReplyDeleteOh I cute Paula. I love the joke about Sandy Claws. I heard it on my kid's Jetson's Christmas movie. Lol! Love how you did this and the detail is wonderful. Thanks for being here. Happy to know that your sales are picking up. YOu so deserve it girlfriend. Lol! Hugs.