Barry's gone off to a job interview. It's for a teaching job, or so they say. I don't trust this company. They sell insurance and I'm sure the whole bottom line is to try and get him to sell! I'm not trusting at all anymore. He applied for several jobs yesterday that he had everything and then some of what they were looking for. He even got a reply back saying he didn't "fit" what they wanted! We know it was a lie. The job was for a JR Programmer! Some JR with 44 years behind him! I am not a charitable person and always hope that the person who turned Barry down finds himself or herself in the unemployment line right behind him someday. I know that's a mean thing to say, but I'm sick of hearing he's not good enough for what they want! All they mean is that he wants to be paid more then 7.25 an hour and they think they can get someone for 7.24!
Enough of that nasty stuff. We're off to the Assisted Living Home tonight. Las Vegas night is at 5:30 and we're helping out. It should be fun.
Have a fun day and stay cool!
Your card is beautiful and I am loving these images so much. Love the colours you used too. Sorry to heaar about Barry's not so happy interviews. Praying that this one brings about good news. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteThese little girls are so adorable! I love how this girls hair is whisped into her face. Adorable!