Today Barry is working at the Assisted Living Home for the whole day!! Say a big YEA! Someone could come to work today because she had a car brake down. Now I don't wish ill on anyone and with my luck it's usually us that would have had the car brake down, but because of this we had a bit of good luck! I hope he has a good day. He was really looking forward to it. I know he said before he left this morning that he was just almost every hour during the night. He'll do just fine. He went in a little early to make sure he knew what he would be doing all day!
Since he's busy all day, I get the day to myself. Sweet! What to do first? Well, first I have to go and pay the water bill so they don't turn it off. That always helps when you have wash or go to the bathroom. Next I think I need to mail a card out to my sweet DT sister I'm in a swap with. I didn't make it to the post office yesterday because of the AC problems. Which is now working and cooling us off. Then I think I need to create, create, create! Nap in the afternoon? Sounds good to me!
Well, you have a wonderful day. Think only Happy Thoughts!
Beautiful card, Paula!! I too admire these did a wonderful job!!