Friday, February 5, 2010

I Want To Feel Better, Really I Do

It's Friday, the end of the work week, and I want to be joyful. I really do, but it's grey outside, and we're suppose to have a Wintry Mix by the end of the weekend and I want sun and water! Does that happen to you in the dead of the winter? I'm a Summer Girl. I love the beach. I love the sand and sea. I've told Barry he can bury me at the beach. I can never understand how people will pay to be cold! When we lived in Tampa we had a pool and were on the water. We were 10 minutes from the beach. Now if you want beach, it's a nice LONG drive. Oh well, I guess I'll go back to dreaming!
Barry went off to school this morning like a good boy should. I listed a ton of stamps on eBay. I even sold one set this morning. Now if I could sell the rest, we might have money for extras, you know, like food! You think I'm kidding, but NO, I'm not, not this week. I had to pay a bill that was way overdue this morning and that took about all of it. It's a good thing we have a lot of canned goods in the pantry, and I really LOVE tuna fish! My parents used to say they thought I ate so much tuna when I was a kid, that I was going to turn into a tuna sandwich! I think they were kidding!~!~!
I'm busy working for new cards for the Whimsie Doodle bog hop next week. It's on the 12th and there will be prizes! Mark it on your calendar and come back soon!

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