Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Rosh Hashnah

Rosh Hashanah
Tonight at sundown, Jews around the world will celebrate the start of the New Year. It's wonderful to go and hear the Shofer blown at Temple. I loved it as a child and still do today. We read the Torah and say prayers to have a good next year. We pray that the sins of last year are forgiven and that we do good deeds to others in the next year! In our home we have lots of family and lots of food to start the New Year. This year I cooked but Larry and Tina will be having the dinner at their home. Larry and Evan "talked" and they thought it would be better at his home because my apartment is rather small! We are 10 strong this year. My brisket is done and ready to be sliced. My liver is chopped and taste so good. Barry and I had some last night for dinner. the chicken noodle soup is to die for, and the only thing left cooking is the meatball. I know, not very traditional, but the gang likes them and since we have always called them Nanny's meatballs, it's OK!
Love to all!

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