Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Can You Believe It's Been 41 Years!

Today we celebrate our 41st anniversary! Sometimes it seems like just yesterday and then most of the time, it seems like forever! If you've been with someone a while, you'll understand. I can remember that day so clearly, so how can it be that many years ago! It was a wonderful sunny Sunday. My step dad made breakfast for my sisters and Mom so we could go and get our hair done. While at the hairdresser, I realized I lost one of my pearl earring that Barry had given me to wear! Harvey was really the best of the best Dad's that my mom could have picked. He went to the only store that was open in our area, and bought me a set of pearl earrings so I'd have them to wear down the aisle! There are so many memories of that wonderful day!

Tonight Barry and I are going to Evan's house for dinner. I love spending time with my boys. Best part, I get to see Coco!

Enjoy the day!
