Monday, January 31, 2011


I think I may just lay down and not get up today! I'm so tired of things never really changing, except for getting worse! When do I take a turn for the better? The "big" unknown answer in my life! Even Barry's little paycheck was short this week! They were suppose to add the hours he'd worked that they shorted him on, and then when he looked at the check stub, they had taken out money and didn't say why! That 36.00 is so important to us! Sorry to be such a black rock today. I sure hate when the week starts out like this! On a better note, Barry is working an extra 1 1/2 hours tonight for one of the other ladies. Every bit helps, and I sold some cards over the weekend.
Speaking of cards, check out Mr Bunny In The Basket. He's so sweet! I posted 3 cards in my store and my niece "needed" them all! Now to get them in the mail and make some more for the store!
I'm hoping the day gets better and I sell all the 3 dozen cards I have in my store soon.
Take care, have a good day, and hurry back!

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