Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wasting The Day Away!

Today is my day off and so far I have NOthing to show except the crumbs in my bed from my mid-morning snack! I have been very lazy! At least my body has. My mind has been very busy thinking about some new cards to create. It's just when I see the cards still in my Etsy store, I wonder why should I make something else new that will sit and look pretty right back at me! Crazy, I know!
Barry is working the rest of the week, and I have off tomorrow. I may and see my baby Coco and talk to her. She gives all the love any Grandma could want. All I have to do is take her to the drive-thru at M's, see the ducks at the park, and give her a treat when we get home! She's easy to make happy!
It's been awhile since I've felt a little down, but the last few days I've noticed I've turned inward some, and I really have to work on that before I fall over the cliff again. I have one more day of work this week. It's Saturday and only for 4 hours, then I'm off til Wednesday, so maybe I can get the rest my body and mind seem to need right now and then be my usual self!
Have a wonderful day!

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