Thank goodness today is finally over and I'm heading off to bed! Barry worked all day and so did I! Standing on my feet for 7 hours and I know the meaning of "beat" when I get home! Barry was asked to work today and then at 5:15, they asked him to work the next two days! The money is too good to pass up and it will be nice to have a day to myself tomorrow. I'm off. I need to do the wash, see my furry grandchild, and do a little creating! And maybe not in that order! I'll see what the mood is when I get moving!Today's card is an oldey, but goody Riley stamp who just keeps showing up on my desk from time to time. I, of course, love anything Riley and he's too cute to sit for long! I used more goodness papers from my friend Amy's shop. You can see her links in other posts, so check them out!
Have a great day,
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